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Tube Substitutions for:
Pentagrid Converter
TypeSubstitutesBase Diagram
1L61U6, 1U6*
Notes:* - Parallel filaments
Web References1L6 (Sylvania) @ Franks Electron Tubes
1L6 (Tung-Sol) @ Franks Electron Tubes
1L6 (Sylvania) @ Franks Electron Tubes
1L6 @ RadioMuseum.org
Sylvania Type 1L6


Bulb T-51/2
Outline 5-2
Base1 Miniature Button 7-Pin
Basing 7DC
Mounting Position Any


Filament Voltage D C 1.4 Volts
Filament Current 50 Ma

Shielded1 Unshielded
Grid No. 4 to Plate 0.36 0.46 ��f
Grid No. 2 to Grid No. 4 0.24 0.24 ��f
Grid No. 1 to Grid No. 4 0.19 0.19 ��f
R F Input; G4 to All 7.5 7.5 ��f
Oscillator Input: G1 to All Except G2 2.2 2.2 ��f
Oscillator Output: G2 to All Except G1 2.6 2.6 ��f
Mixer Output: Plate to All 12.0 7.0 ��f
Grid No. 1 to Plate 0.10 0.15 ��f

MAXIMUM RATINGS (Design Center Values)
Plate Voltage 110 Volts
Grid No. 3 and 5 Voltage 65 Volts
Grid No. 3 and 5 Supply Voltage 110 Volts
Grid No. 2 Voltage (Oscillator Plate) 110 Volts
Total Cathode Current 4.0 Ma

Plate Voltage 90 Volts
Grid No. 2 Voltage (Anode Grid) 90 Volts
Grid No. 3 and 5 Voltage2 45 Volts
Grid No. 4 Voltage (Control Grid) 0 Volts
Plate Current 0.5 Ma
Grid No. 3 and 5 Current 0.6 Ma
Grid No. 2 Current (Anode Grid) 1.2 Ma
Grid No. 1 Current (O/c. Grid) 0.035 Ma
Total Cathode Current 2.35 Ma
Grid No. 4 Circuit Resistance 1.0 Megohm
Grid No. 1 Circuit Resistance 0.2 Megohm
Conversion Transconductance G4 at 0 Volts 300 �mhos
Conversion Transconductance G4 at -3.5 Volts 10 �mhos
Oscillator Transconductance3 550 �mhos


1 External shield No. 316 connected to Pin 1.
2 Obtained preferably by using a properly by-passed dropping resistor of from 45,000 to 75,000 Ohms in series with the B supply.
3 Not oscillating with Ec1=0V, Eb=90V, Ec3 and 5=45V, Ec2=90V, Ec4=0V.


Sylvania Type 1L6 is a miniature type pentagrid converter designed for use in low drain battery operated receivers. It is similar in construction and application to types 1A7GT and 1LA6. The small size and low current requirements recommend it for use in small portable receivers.

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