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A. H. Grebe & Co.
Ace (Radio Circular Co.)
Acme Apparatus Co.
Acme Electric & Mfg. Co.
Acme Radio Mfg. Co.
Acratest Products
Acratone (Federated Purchaser, Inc.)
Adaptol Company
Advance Electric Co.
Aero (Charles Hoodwin Co.)
Aero-Metal Products
Aeromotive Equipment Corp.
Aeronautic (Mission Bell Radio Mfg. Co.)
Affiliated Retailers, Inc.
Air Castle (Radio Products Corp.)
Air Castle (Spiegel, Inc..)
Air King Products Corp.
Air Master (Automatic Radio Mfg. Co., Inc.)
Airadio Inc.
Airline (Montgomery Ward & Co.)
Alamo Electronics Corp.
Alden, Inc.
Algene Radio Corp.
All American Mohawk
All-American Mohawk Corp.
Allen B. Dumont Labs., Inc.
Allied Purchasing, Inc.
Allied Radio Corp.
Alonson (Commonwealth Radio Mg. Co.)
Altec Lansing Corp.
Ambassador Distributor Corp.
American Bosch
American Communications Corp.
American Foundation For Blind. Inc.
American Merri-lei
American Transformer Co.
Amrad Corporation
Andrea Radio Corp.
Ansley Radio Corp.
Ansley Radio Laboratories
Apex (See U. S. Radio & Television Co.)
Apex Radio and TV Corp.
Approved Electronic Instr. Corp.
Arc Radio Corp.
Arcadia (Wells-Gardner & Co.)
Argus Radio Corp.
Ariel Radio Inc.
Arkay (R. K. Radio Labs., Inc.)
Art Radio Co.
Associated Merchandising Corp.
Atchison Radio Mfg. Co.
Atlas (Air King Products)
Atlas Coil Winders, Inc.
Atlas Supply Co.
Atwater Kent
Atwater Kent Mfg. Co.
Audar Inc.
Audiola Radio Co.
Austin Radio Mfg. Co.
Auto Master (Automatic Radio Mfg. Co, Inc.)
Autocrat Radio Corp.
Automatic Radio Mfg. Co.
Automatic Radio Mfg. Co., Inc.
Autorola (Automatic Radio Mfg. Co, Inc.)
Avalon Radio Co.
Aviola Radio Corp.
B.F. Goodrich
Balkeit Radio Co.
Balkeit Radio Corp.
Balkite Products Co.
Band-Box (Crosley)
Barker Bros.
Bell Disc
Belle Electronics Corp.
Belmont Radio Corp.
Bendix Radio Div.
Bogen, David Co., Inc.
Bosch (United American Bosch)
Brandes Products Corp.
Bremer-Tulley Mfg. Co.
Bremer-Tully Mfg. Co.
Brenard Mfg. Co.
Breting Radio Mfg. Co.
Browning Drake
Browning Laboratories, Inc.
Browning-Drake Corp.
Brunswick Div. Mersman Bros.
Brunswick Radio Corporation
Buckingham Radio Corp.
Buckingham Radio Corporation
Buick Motor
Bulova Watch Company
Bush & Lane Piano Company
Bush and Lane Piano Co.
Butler Brothers
C. R. C.
C. R. Leutz, Inc.
Cable-Nelson (Howard Radio Co.)
Cadillac Div. - General Motors
Calvert Motor Associates
Canadian General Electric Co. Ltd.
Canadian RCA Victor
Canadian Westinghouse Co. Ltd.
Candian Marconi Co. Ltd.
Capehart Corporation
Capitol Radio Corporation
Carr-Nagy Corp.
Carter Genemotor Corp.
Case (Majestic Radio & Telev. Co.)
Case Electric Corp.
Cavalcade Radio Co.
Century Radio Products Co.
Champion Radio Labs
Charles Freshman Co., Inc.
Charles Hoodwin Co.
Cities Service Oil Co.
Clago Radio Corp.
Clarified Schematics
Clarion (Transformer Corp. of America)
Cleartone Radio Corporation
Climax Radio & Television Co, Inc.
Coast to Coast Radio Corp.
Colin B. Kennedy Corp.
Collins Audio Products Co.
Colonial Radio Corp.
Columbia Phonograph Co.
Columbia Phonograph Company
Columbia Radio Corporation
Comet (Hamarlund Mfg. Co.)
Commonwealth Radio Mfg. Co.
Com-Rad (Commonwealth Radio Mfg. Co.)
Concord Radio Corp.
Continental (See Continental Radio & Television Corp.)
Continental Radio & Television Corp.
Continental Radio Corporation
Cord Motors (United Motors Service)
Corona Radio & Telev. Corp.
Coronado (Gamble-Skogmo, Inc.)
Coronado (Kingston)
Coronet Radio & Television Co.
Corsair (Crosley)
Crescent Industries, Inc.
Crosley Corp.
Crosley Radio Corp.
Crusader (Pacific Radio Corp.)
Crystal Products
David Bogen Co., Inc.
David Grimes, Inc.
Davis, J. W.
Day-Fan (General Motors Corp.)
DayRad (Radio Products Corp.)
Dayton, The A-C Co.
De Forest Crosley Ltd. (Canadian)
Deforest Radio Corporation
Delco Radio Corp.
Detrola Radio & Telev. Corp.
Dewald Radio
DeWald Radio Mfg. Corp.
Dictograph Products Co., Inc.
Dodge Motor Corp (See Philco)
Dual Engineering Corp.
Dumont Labs
Dynaphone (Ansley Radio Corp.)
E & A (Electric & Automotive Products Co.)
Earl Radio Corp.
Echophone Radio Corp.
Echophone Radio Mfg. Co.
Eckenroth Co., Inc.
Eckstein Radio and Television Co.
Edison-Bell Co., Inc.
Edward's FM Radio Corp.
Electrad, Inc.
Electric & Automotive Prod. Co.
Electric Auto Lite Co.
Electric Research Labs, Inc. (See Sentinel Radio)
Electric Specialties Export Corp.
Electrical Research Lab
Electrical Research Laboratories, Inc.
Electro Acoustic Products Co.
Electromatic Mfg. Corp.
Electronic Corp. of America
Electronic Laboratories, Inc.
Electrotone (See Harris Mfg. Co.)
El-Rey Radio Mfg. Co.
Emerson Radio & Phonograph Corp.
Emerson Radio And Phonograph Corporation
Emor Radio Ltd.
Empire Designing Corp.
Empire Electric Products (See Fada)
Empire Electrical Products
Empire Mfg. Corp.
Ensign (Espey Mfg. Co., Inc)
Espey (Espey Mfg. Co., Inc)
Espey Mfg. Co., Inc.
Experimenters Informations Service
F.A.D. Andrea
F.J. Fitzgerald Co.
F.M. Specialties, Inc.
Fada Radio & Electric Co., Inc.
Fada Radio & Electric Corp.
Fairbanks Morse & Co.
Fansteel (See Balkeit Radio Corp.)
Farnsworth Television & Radio Corp.
Farrand Mfg. Company
Federal Radio Corp.
Federal Recorder
Federal Telephone and Radio Corp.
Federated Purchaser
Ferguson Radio, Inc.
Ferranti, Inc.
Ferrar Radio and Television Corp.
Fidel-O-Matic (See Port-O-Matic)
Firestone Tire & Rubber Co.
Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. (See Stewart-Warner)
Fitzgerald, F. J. Co.
Flush Wall Radio Co.
Fonotalk Corp.
Ford Motor Car Co.
Fordson Radio Mfg. Co.
Franklin Radio Corp.
Freed Radio & Television Corp.
Freed Radio And Television Corp.
Freshman, Charles Co., Inc
Fulton Radio Corp.
Galvin Mfg. Co.
Gamble-Skogmo, Inc.
Garod Radio Corp.
Garrard Eng. & Mfg. Co. Ltd.
Gates Radio & Supply Co.
Gembox (Crosley)
Gemchest (Crosley)
General Electric Co.
General Electronics Corp.
General Household Utilities Co.
General Implement Corp.
General Industries Co.
General Instruments Corp.
General Motors Radio Corp.
General Radio Co.
General Telev. & Radio Corp.
General Television, Inc.
George W. Walker Co.
Gilfillan Bros.
Gilfillan Bros. Inc.
Globe Electronics, Inc.
Gloritone (See U.S. Radio & Television Co.)
Goldentone (See Fordson Radio Mfg. Co.)
GoldenVoice (See Galvin Mfg. Co.)
Goodrich, B. F.
Goodyear Service(Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Inc.)
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Inc.
Grebe (See Garod Radio Corp.)
Grebe, A. H. & Co.
Grigsby Grunow Co.
Grigsby-Grunow (See Majestic Radio & Telev. Corp.)
Grigsby-Grunow Co.
Grunow (General Household Utilities Co.)
Gulbransen Co.
Hallicrafters, Inc.
Halson Radio Corp.
Hamilton Radio Co.
Hammarlund Mfg. Co.
Hammarlund-Roberts, Inc.
Hammond Instrument Co.
Harold Shevers, Inc.
Harris Mfg. Co.
Hatry & Young
Heath Company
Herbert H. Horn
Hetro Electrical Industries
Hickok Elect. Instrument Co.
High Frequency Laboratories
High Frequency Labs (See also Republic Industries)
Hobbs (See Mission Bell Radio Mfg. Co. Inc.)
Hoffman Radio Corp.
Hoodwin, Charles Co.
Howard Radio Co.
Hudson Motor Car Co.
Hudson-Ross, Inc.
ICA Export Corp (See Inusline Corp. of America)
Imperial (See Triangle Electric Co.)
Industrial Electronic Corp.
Insuline Corp. of America
International Industries, Inc.
International Radio Corp.
Interocean Radio Corp.
Interstate Home Equipment Co.
Interstate Stores Buying Corp.
J. E. Jenkins And S. E. Adair
J. W. Davis
J.P. Seeburg Corp.
Jackson Bell (See also Pacific Radio Corp.)
Jackson Bell Co., Ltd.
Jackson Industries
Jackson Radio & Television Co.
Jackson Research Lab.
Jackson-Bell Co., Ltd.
Jefferson-Travis Corp.
Jesse French & Sons Piano Co.
Jesse French Export Co.
Jewel Electrical Instrument Co.
JewelBox (Crosley)
John Meck Industries, Inc.
Kaar Engineering Co.
Kadette (See International Industries, Inc.)
Kadette Radio Corp.
Kappler Co., The
Karadio Corp.
Keller-Fuller Mfg Co. Ltd.
Kellogg Switchboard & Supply Co.
Kennedy, Colin B. Corp.
Kernwood Radio Corp.
Ketay Mfg. Corp.
King Mfg. Corp.
Kingston Products Corp.
Knight (Allied Radio Corp.)
Kodel Radio Corp.
Kolster Brandes
Kolster Radio Corp.
Kolster Radio, Inc.
Kraft Mfg. & Dist. Co.
Krakauer Bros.
Krohler Mfg. Co.
L & L Electric Co.
L. Tatro Products Corp.
La Magna Mfg. Co.
La Salle (Champion Radio Labs)
Lafayette Radio Mfg. Co.
Lafayette Radio Mfg. Co. (See Wholesale Radio Svc)
Lang Radio Co.
Larkin Co., Inc.
Laurehk Radio Mfg. Co.
Laurette (See Laurehk Radio Mfg. Co.)
Leander Electronics Corp.
Lear, Inc.
Lear-Wuerful Co.
Lecault, R. E.
Lehman Radio Salon, Inc. (See Port-O-Matic Corp.)
Leutz, C. R., Inc
Lewol Mfg. Corp.
Lewyt Corp.
Lincoln Radio Corp.
Lyric (See Wurlitzer & Co.)
Lytle & Canon
M. B. Sleeper
Macy, R.H. & Co.
Magna Electronic Corp.
Magnavox Co.
Maguire Industries, Inc.
Majestic Radio & Telev. Corp.
Major Laboratories
Mallory, P. R. & Co.
Marconiphone, Inc.
Mark Simpson
Marti Radio
Master Radio Mfg. Co., Ltd.
Masterpiece (See McMurdo Silver, Inc.)
Mcmillan Radio Co.
McMurdo Silver, Inc.
Mectron Corp.
Midwest Radio Corp.
Milwaukee Stamping Co.
Minerva Corp. of America
Miraco (Midwest Radio Corp.)
Mission Bell Radio Mfg. Co. Inc.
Mitchell Mfg. Co.
Molded Insulation Co.
Monarch (Champion Radio Labs)
Monarch Mfg. Co.
Monitor Equipment Corp.
Montgomery Ward & Co.
Montgomery-Ward & Co.
Moto Meter Gauge & Equipment Co.
Murdock, William J. Co.
Musique (See Laurehk Radio Mfg. Co.)
Nash (See Nash Models under Philco)
Nassau Radio
Nathaniel Baldwin & Co.
National Acoustic Products
National Carbon Co.
National Co., The Inc.
National Co-operatives Inc.
National Transformer Co.
National Union Radio Corp.
National, The Company
Noblitt-Sparks Industries, Inc.
Norco (See Remler Company, Ltd.)
Norco Mfg. Co.
Norden Hauck, Inc.
Norden-Hauck, Inc.
Northeastern Engineering Inc.
Northern Electric Co. Ltd. (Canadian)
Northern Radio Co.
Oak Mfg. Co.
Oldsmobile (See United Motor Service)
Olympic Radio & Television, Inc.
Operadio Corp.
Operadio Corporation
Orpheon (See McMurdo Silver)
Ozarka Inc.
Ozarka, Inc.
P.R. Mallory & Co.
Pacent Reproducer Corp.
Pacific Crusader (Pacific Radio Corp.)
Pacific Radio Corp.
Pacific Radio Corp. of Los Angeles
Pacific Radio Exchange
Packard (See Philco)
Packard Bell Co.
Packard Motor Car Co.
Packard Motor Car Co. (See Philco)
Packard Radio Co.
Paramount Radio Co.
Parker McCrory Mfg. Co.
Patterson Radio Co.
Pentron Corporation
Perfectone, Inc.
Peter Pan Radio Mfg. Co.
Philco Products Ltd (Canadian)
Philco Radio & Television Corp.
Philharmonic Radio Corp.
Phillips Petroleum Co.
Phonola Dom. Electrohome Industr. (Canadian)
Pierce Airo, Inc (DeWald Radio Mfg. Corp.)
Pierson-De Lane Co.
Pilgrim Electric Corp.
Pilot Radio & Tube Corp.
Pilot Radio Corp.
Pin-It-Up Radio Corp.
Pioneer (See Radolek Co.)
Pioneer Radio Corporation
Plaza Music Co.
Plymouth (See Philco)
Pontiac (See United Motor Service)
Porto Products, Inc.
Porto-Server Inc.
Precision Radio Products Mfg. Co.
Premier Crystal Labs, Inc.
Pro (See Hammarlund Mfg. Co.)
Promenette Radio & Television Corp.
Pure Oil Corp.
Purotone Radio Corp.
R. C. A. Victor Co., Inc.
R. E. Lecault
R.C.A. Victor Co., Inc.
R.H. Macy & Co.
R.K. Radio Laboratories, Inc.
Rad Olek
Radiart Laboratories
Radiette (See Keller-Fuller Mfg. Co. Ltd.)
Radio & Telev. Products Co.
Radio & Television, Inc.
Radio Chassis, Inc.
Radio Circular Co.
Radio Craftsmen, The Inc.
Radio Development & Research Corp.
Radio Displays Co.
Radio Electrical Service Co.
Radio Engineering Labs.
Radio Kits, Inc.
Radio Mfg. Engineers, Inc.
Radio Products Co.
Radio Products Corp.
Radio Receptor Co.
Radio Wire Television
Radiobar Company of America
Radionic Equipment Co.
Radiotrope (See also U. S. Radio & Television Co.)
Radolek Co.
Rauland Corp.
Ray-Energy Radio & Telev. Corp.
Raymond Rosen & Co.
Raytheon Mfg. Co.
Readrite Meter Works
Regal Electronics Corp.
Remler Company, Ltd.
Republic Industries
Republic Industries (See also High-Frequency Labs)
Rexel Merchandise Co.
RGH Mfg. Co.
RME (See Radio Mfg. Engineers, Inc.)
Road Chief (See Detrola Radio Telev. Corp.)
Road Master (See Detrola Radio Telev. Corp.)
Roamer (See Allied Radio Corp.)
Roamio (Crosley)
Robert-Lawrence Electronics Corp.
Rocke International Electric Corp.
Rod Radio Mfg. Co.
Rogers-Majestic Corp. Ltd. (Canadian)
Roots Auto Radio Mfg. Corp.
Royal (Champion Radio Labs)
Rudolph Wurlitzer Co.
Russell Electric Co.
Ryan Sales Co.
Samson Electric Co.
Savil Radio Engineering Corp.
Scott Radio Labs., Inc.
Scott Transformer Co.
Sea Pal Radio Co.
Searle Aero Industries, Inc.
Sears Roebuck & Co.
Sears-Roebuck & Co.
Seeburg, J. P. Corporation
Seiberling Rubber Co.
Sentinel Radio Corp.
Setchell Carlson, Inc.
Shamrock Radio
Shelley Radio Co.
Sheridan Electronics Corp.
Signal Electronics, Inc.
Silver - Marshall, Inc.
Silver (See McMurdo Silver, Inc.)
Silver-Marshall, Inc.
Simmons Co.
Simplex Radio Co.
Sky Rover
Sky-Chief Radio Corp.
SkyHawk (See Republic Industries)
SkyRider (See Hallicrafters)
Sobol Bros.
Sonora Corp. of Canada Ltd. (Canadian)
Sonora Electric Phonograph Co., Inc.
Sonora Phonograph Co.
Sonora Radio & Telev., Corp.
Soundview Marine Co.
Sparks Withington Co.
Sparks-Withington Co.
Sparton (See Sparks Withington Co.)
Sparton Radio of Canada (Canadian)
Spiegel Inc.
Spiegel, Inc. (See also Radio Products Corp.)
Splitdorf Radio Corp.
Standard Radio Corp.
Stanley Service Station
Stark Sound Engineering
Steinite Radio Co.
Stenode Radiostat
Sterling Mfg. Co.
Stewart Warner Speedometer Corp.
Stewart-Warner Corp.
Story & Clark Radio Corp.
Stromberg - Carlson Tel. Mfg. Co.
Stromberg Carlson Co.
Stromberg-Carlson Tel. Mfg. Co.
Stromberg-Carlson Telephone Mfg. Co. Ltd.(Candian)
Studebaker Laboratories
Super-Pro (See Hammarlund Mfg. Co.)
Supertone Products Co., Inc.
Supreme Instruments Corp.
Supreme Radio
Sylvania Electric Products
Symphony Radio & Telev. Corp.
Synchrophase (See A. H. Grebe)
Taffet Radio & Telev. Co.
Tatro Products Corp. (See L. Tatro Products Corp.)
TCA (Transformer Corp. of America)
Tele King
Telechron, Inc.
Telecoin Corp.
Teletone Radio Corp.
Temple Corporation
Temple Radio Ltd. (Canadian)
Texan Radio Mfg. Co.
The A-C Dayton Co.
The Magnavox Co.
The National Company
Thomas A. Edison, Inc.
Thordarson Electric Mfg. Co.
Thorens Inc.
Tiffany Tone (See Herbert H. Horn)
Todd Electric Co.
Tom Thumb (Automatic Radio Mfg. Co, Inc.)
Transformer Corp. of America
Transitone (See Philco)
Transvision Inc.
Traveler Radio & Television Corp.
Trav-Ler Radio & Television Corp.
Triangle Electric Co.
Triplett Electrical Instrument Co.
Troy Radio & Telev. Co.
True Tone (See Gulbransen Co.)
True Tone (See Wells-Gardner & Co.)
True Tone (See Western Auto Supply Co.)
True Value
Turner Co.
Tyrman Electric Corp.
U. S. Electric Corp.
U. S. Radio & Television Corp.
U. S. Television Mfg. Co.
U.S. Radio & Television Corp.
Ultramar Mfg. Corp.
United Air Cleaner Corp. (See Sentinel Radio Corp)
United American Bosch Corp.
United Motors Service - Delco
United Reproducers Corp.
United Scientific Labs (DeWald Radio Mfg. Corp.)
Universal Battery Co.
Valley Electric Co.
Victor Talking Machine Co. Limited (Candian)
Victory (Champion Radio Labs)
Viewtone Company
Viking (See Ozarka Inc.)
V-M Corporation
Voco Radio Mfg. Co., Inc.
W.T. Grant Company
W.T. Knott Co.
Walgreen Co.
Walker, George W. Co.
Ware Manufacturing Corp.
Warner Engineering Corp., Ltd.
Warwick Mfg. Corp.
Watterson Radio Mfg. Co.
Webster Electrical Corp.
Wells - Gardner & Co.
Wells-Gardner & Co.
Westark Radio (See Allied Radio Corp)
Western Air Patrol
Western Auto Supply Co.
Western Auto Supply of California
Western Electric Co.
Western Radio Mfg. Co.
Western Royal
Westinghouse (Canadian Westinghouse)
Westinghouse Elec. International Co.
Westinghouse Electric Corp.
Weston Electrical Instrument Co.
Weston Electrical Instrument Corp.
Westone Radio Corp.
Wholesale Radio Service Co., Inc.
Wholesale Radio Service Co., Inc. (See Lafayette)
Wilcox-Gay Corp.
Willard Storage Battery Co.
William J. Murdock
William J. Murdock Co.
Wings (See Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Inc.)
Wirecorder Corp.
Wizard (Champion Radio Labs)
Wurlitzer Co., Rudolph
Yorker (Espey Mfg. Co., Inc)
Zany-Gill Corp.
Zenith Radio Corp.
Zephyr Radio Co.
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