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acts in series and in parallel circuits and how the voltage an current are measured. In this lesson we have considered only the elementary circuits used in electrical work and Radio; more complete circuits will be studied in future lessons. Your knowledge of Radio is increasing quite rapidly, and with each lesson we dig deeper into the great storehouse of interesting information and knowledge the study of Radio opens up for us.


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  1. What is an electrical circuit?
  2. What are the essential parts of every electrical circuit?
  3. What is meant by the load in a circuit?
  4. State the difference between conductors, resistors and insulators?
  5. What is the purpose of using insulating material on wires?
  6. How may sources of e.m.f., conductors or loads be connected together?
  7. What happens to electrical energy passing through conductors having resistance?
  8. Why is copper wire usually used for the transmission wires in an electrical or Radio circuit?
  9. How is an ammeter connected in a circuit?
  10. How is a voltmeter connected in a circuit?

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Content©1931, National Radio Institute
Webpage©1997, Nostalgia Air
Transcriber  Jennifer Ellis