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each week. Then, having figured his sales, his profits can be obtained by referring to the graph. See Fig. 17. This is a simple equation; all equations may be used in a similar manner.

     Equations are "tools" which Radio-Tricians are continually using. You saw how easy it was to find the amount of profit by using the equation p=s/4 if the total amount of the sales (s) was known. It is clear then, that if any two terms of an equation are known, the third (unknown) can be easily calculated.
     In Radio, we have one equation in particular which is fundamental. You remember in our vacuum tube circuit we

Fig. 17

     spoke of the resistance which the filament (heater) offered to current flow. Dr. Ohm, years ago, discovered that the amount of resistance in a circuit bore a very definite relationship to the pressure (voltage or e.m.f.) and the amount of current flowing (measured in amperes).
     He discovered that the amount of current flowing was always equal to the amount of the e.m.f. divided by the amount of resistance. Being a scientific man and so a seeker after short cuts, he simplified this statement by using letters as symbols for e.m.f. and current, and wrote the statement in the form of an equation--

I = E ÷ R    or    E / R

"I" represents current, "E" represents e.m.f. (voltage) and "R" stands for resistance.

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Content©1931, National Radio Institute
Webpage©1997, Nostalgia Air
Transcriber  Richard Lancaster