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the current flowed from the positive terminal of a circuit, back to the negative terminal. These two theories are, therefore, in contradiction to one another, but due to the fact that the whole foundation and operating principles in the development of elec- trical engineering were founded on the old theory, this custom cannot well be changed in all cases, so we must still speak of the current as flowing from the positive terminal to the negative in some cases, covering the action of motors, generators, trans- formers, batteries, etc., but it is well to bear in mind that the thing that really flows in the wire or circuit as we know it today is a stream of electrons from the negative to the positive terminal.
     The cause of this flow or movement of electrons is the chemical action within the battery which maintains a push or constant pressure (voltage) at the ends of the copper rod. This action would be the same if the pressure was provided by other means such as a generator because the battery or generator is acting as we might say like a pump for pumping electrons through the complete circuit.
We can demonstrate this action very nicely by comparing it with water in a pipe. The length of the pipe will not matter. For our demonstration the pipe will have to be full of water just as a wire is full of electrons. Returning to our pipe full of water--we force a quart of water into one end by the pump. What happens at the other end? Naturally a quart of water will be forced out. But the water forced out is by no means the same water that we put in. This is, of course, a very crude illustration, but we want to get very clearly in your mind that electrons from a battery do not travel very rapidly and yet the effect is almost instantaneous throughout the cir- cuit. The electron itself does not go through 186,000 miles of wire in a second. But it causes a disturbance of the electrons and the disturbance is felt instantaneously throughout the entire circuit.      For instance, when you push an electric light button, an electric circuit is closed and a current starts to flow through the circuit immediately. Remember that this flow of electricity is nothing but a continued disturbance and movement of the elec- trons in the circuit.
     Now we are going to leave the electron and our study of the nature of electricity for a while in order to take up in this first lesson other fundamental principles of Radio. Our purpose is

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Webpage©1997, Nostalgia Air
Transcriber  Richard Lancaster