10 CLS 20 PRINT " SPEAKER CONE PATTERN DIMENSIONS CALCULATOR" 30 PRINT 40 PRINT "This program will calculate the size of a circle of paper" 50 PRINT "required to create a cone of a specified size. In addition," 60 PRINT "this program will also calculate the chord segment you must" 70 PRINT "draw, or indicate on your circle, such that you will know" 80 PRINT "precisely the dimensions of the 'pie' shaped section to cut" 90 PRINT "out of your circle to properly form it into a cone." 100 PRINT 110 PRINT "Key in the appropiate response for one of the following;" 120 PRINT 130 PRINT " 1 - Design a speaker cone" 140 PRINT " - Giving required depth and width" 150 PRINT " - adjacent sizes will also be displayed" 160 PRINT 170 PRINT " 2 - Display instructions" 180 PRINT 190 PRINT " 3 - Quit program" 200 PRINT 210 INPUT "Enter response (1, 2 or 3) here then press Enter ===> ",Q$ 220 IF Q$="1" THEN GOTO 270 230 IF Q$="2" THEN GOTO 360 240 IF Q$="3" THEN SYSTEM 250 PRINT:PRINT "You did not enter a valid response. Press Enter" 260 INPUT "now to make another selection",Q$:RUN 270 PRINT 280 PRINT "CONE DEPTH:" 290 INPUT "Enter required cone depth (To nearest 1/4 inch, ex. 8.25): ",H1 300 IF H1=0 OR H1/.25 <> INT(H1/.25) THEN PRINT "Depth not multiple of 1/4 inch, re-enter":GOTO 290 310 PRINT 320 PRINT "CONE WIDTH:" 330 INPUT "Enter required cone width (To nearest 1/4 inch, ex. 4.75): ",W1 340 IF W1=0 OR W1/.25 <> INT(W1/.25) THEN PRINT "Width not multiple of 1/4 inch, re-enter":GOTO 330 350 GOTO 610 360 CLS 370 PRINT " SPEAKER CONE PROCESSING INSTRUCTIONS":PRINT 380 PRINT "1. Determine the depth and width for your cone then run this program" 390 PRINT " to calculate the circle and chord dimensions required for a flat" 400 PRINT " paper stock pattern." 410 PRINT 420 PRINT "2. Using any convenient method, such as a compass or length of" 430 PRINT " string, accurately draw the circle on your paper stock." 440 PRINT 450 PRINT "3. Then, using the chord length, draw a straight line anywhere on" 460 PRINT " the circle such that both ends of the line are exactly on the" 470 PRINT " circumference of the circle." 480 PRINT 490 PRINT "4. Now, draw a triangle using the center of the circle and the" 500 PRINT " two points where the chord line touches the circle." 510 PRINT 520 PRINT "5. Step 4 shows the 'pie' section that needs to be cut out of the" 530 PRINT " circle to make the cone. NOTE, you need to leave an additional" 540 PRINT " 1/4 to 1/2 inch addition along one of the radii that you are" 550 PRINT " cutting in order to have some extra stock for a glue joint overlap." 560 PRINT 570 INPUT "Press Enter to return",Q$:RUN 580 END 590 REM 600 REM 610 CLS:Z=0 620 COLOR 11:PRINT " -------------------------- Cone Depth ---------------------------":COLOR 7 630 COLOR 2:PRINT "Cone ";:COLOR 7 640 FOR H=H1-1.25 TO H1+1.25 STEP .25 650 IF H = H1 THEN COLOR 14 ELSE COLOR 11 660 PRINT USING "##.##";H;:PRINT " "; 670 COLOR 7 680 NEXT H:PRINT 690 COLOR 2:PRINT "Width";:COLOR 7:PRINT " ----------------------------------------------------------------- Pattern" 700 FOR W = W1-.75 TO W1+.75 STEP .25 710 FOR H = H1-1.25 TO H1+1.25 STEP .25 720 D = SQR((4*H*H)+(W*W)) 730 A = 360*(D-W)/D*3.141/180 740 C = D * SIN(A/2) 750 IF W=W1 THEN COLOR 14 ELSE COLOR 2 760 IF Z=0 AND POS(0)=1 THEN PRINT USING "##.##";W; ELSE IF Z=1 AND POS(0)=1 THEN PRINT " "; 770 COLOR 7 780 IF W=W1 AND H=H1 THEN COLOR 12:D1=D 790 IF Z=0 THEN PRINT " ";:PRINT USING "##.##";D; 800 COLOR 7 810 IF W=W1-.75 AND H=H1+1.25 AND Z=0 THEN PRINT " <-Diam."; 820 IF H=H1 AND W=W1 THEN COLOR 12:C1=C 830 IF Z=1 THEN PRINT " ";:PRINT USING "##.##";C; 840 COLOR 7 850 IF W=W1-.75 AND H=H1+1.25 AND Z=1 THEN PRINT " <-Chord"; 860 IF H=H1+1.25 AND Z=0 THEN H=H-2.75:Z=1:PRINT 870 NEXT H:Z=0:PRINT:IF CSRLIN <> 24 THEN PRINT 880 NEXT W:COLOR 15:PRINT "Press 1 to print these results (printer ready?) or 2 to return to main menu"; 890 E$=INKEY$:IF E$="" THEN GOTO 890 900 IF ASC(E$)=49 THEN GOTO 930 910 IF ASC(E$)=50 THEN COLOR 7:RUN 920 GOTO 890 930 LPRINT " SPEAKER CONE PATTERN DESIGN PROGRAM" 940 LPRINT 950 LPRINT " Request: cone depth - ";:LPRINT USING "##.##";H1; 960 LPRINT ", cone width - ";:LPRINT USING "##.##";W1 970 LPRINT 980 LPRINT " Result : pattern diameter - ";:LPRINT USING "##.##";D1; 990 LPRINT ", pattern chord - ";:LPRINT USING "##.##";C1 1000 LPRINT 1010 LPRINT " -------------------------- Cone Depth ---------------------------" 1020 LPRINT "Cone ";:COLOR 7 1030 FOR H=H1-1.25 TO H1+1.25 STEP .25 1040 LPRINT USING "##.##";H;:LPRINT " "; 1050 NEXT H:LPRINT 1060 LPRINT "Width";:LPRINT " ----------------------------------------------------------------- Pattern" 1070 FOR W = W1-.75 TO W1+.75 STEP .25 1080 FOR H = H1-1.25 TO H1+1.25 STEP .25 1090 D = SQR((4*H*H)+(W*W)) 1100 A = 360*(D-W)/D*3.141/180 1110 C = D * SIN(A/2) 1120 IF Z=0 AND LPOS(0)=1 THEN LPRINT USING "##.##";W; ELSE IF Z=1 AND LPOS(0)=1 THEN LPRINT " "; 1130 IF Z=0 THEN LPRINT " ";:LPRINT USING "##.##";D; 1140 IF W=W1-.75 AND H=H1+1.25 AND Z=0 THEN LPRINT " <-Diam."; 1150 IF Z=1 THEN LPRINT " ";:LPRINT USING "##.##";C; 1160 IF W=W1-.75 AND H=H1+1.25 AND Z=1 THEN LPRINT " <-Chord"; 1170 IF H=H1+1.25 AND Z=0 THEN H=H-2.75:Z=1:LPRINT 1180 NEXT H:Z=0:LPRINT:LPRINT 1190 NEXT W:LPRINT CHR$(12);:COLOR 7:RUN