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About Nostalgia Air

Nostalgia Air is dedicated to the preservation, conservation and dissemination of antique and vintage electronics technical information. This is a personal, private venture with no commercial content. The site is maintained as a commercial free zone, save the sole references on this page to those that support the site.

How to Help

If you are interested in supporting Nostalgia Air in any way please contact me at Webstuff@NostalgiaAir.org. I would like to encourage you to join in and support Nostalgia Air. Support can be as simple as spreading the word about the site, or as complex as scanning and submitting schematics/manuals. Any and all technical material is welcome, including scans or photocopies of service information, manuals, original articles on radio restoration and repairs, sales brochures, tube chracteristic data, parts lists and values, etc.

© 1996-2004, Nostalgia Air